Crowd Control

My Landseer boy Ruggles had an early morning semi-routine medical appointment necessitating our navigating our way through Sydney’s clogged morning peak “hour” traffic. The appeal of sitting in a car going near nowhere for seeming hours at a time is lost on me,...

Ruggles Does Buxton

Ruggles and I journeyed south to the small bush settlement of Buxton last Sunday morning where they were celebrating Christmas one month early with their annual festival – and it was a much larger affair than anticipated with very many stalls selling a wide assortment...

Mothers, how to embarrass a ten year old daughter

Ruggles and I journeyed to the shopping center today, not that Ruggles is allowed inside; sadly such things are forbidden in this unenlightened land “Downunder”. Ruggles did have a good walk around the perimeter of the building and carpark area where he made lots of...

A Confession

Life is made up of fleeting little moments with occasional happenings that surprise and give one that inner glow. Today you have given me a “welcome home” that left me both surprised and gave me that warming “inner glow”, and I am most very grateful! That...

Returning Home

After an absence of some years I am returning “home”, to the Newf List. Some listers of long standing may remember me, or better, they may have memories of my little darling Liquorice, young master Keaton, and their “oldies”. Sadly, Liquorice and Keaton live on only...