A few days ago, Thriller and I celebrated our six-month Anniversary together, so after a really good meander about the back paddock before the morning’s leisurely session with the grooming gear, followed by a generous supply of tasty post-grooming treats, we journeyed down to Kiama for the day.

Kiama is a friendly coastal township about 90-minutes south of Sydney here in Australia. It has its ocean beaches, touristy shops, coastal walks, a glorious hinterland of steep rolling hills covered in lush grass and dairy cows. The town’s main boast is “The Blowhole”, a geological feature that when the wind blows the right way, vast plumes of seawater get blasted skyward up through the blowhole.

As always, Thriller thoroughly enjoyed being chauffeured in her conveyance. We had drive around Minnamurra first, then to Bombo beach where my intensions were to give Thriller an off-leash stroll on the beach (designated off-leash) and perhaps a swim in our side of the Pacific Ocean, unfortunately there was a major surf carnival on and zero parking – even finding a place to turn around was difficult, so it was then onto The Blowhole.

Her Ladyship wore her “I Can’t Hold My Licker” bib, which brought forth many smiles and a quite a few laughs – and one overseas tourist who kept pointing to his daughter (who’s mum was taking photos of the little girl with Thriller) kept repeating “my licker, my licker”. Turned out that his daughter’s name was pronounced “My Licker”!

Thriller was very popular, and she seemed “willing” to be adored, rather than her usual “acceptance”. Until six months ago, Thriller did not have “people” in her life. Many times I felt Thriller actually enjoyed all the attention being bestowed on her. Frequently, when I’d try to get Thriller to stand up and move again, she made like an unhearing and unresponsive dead weight, looking around for the next wave of admirers! On her first trip to Kiama a month earlier, Thriller seemed “uncomfortable” being there, other than for when she felt the sea spray in her face/nostrils, and a little later with the car in view, Thriller seemed to enjoy some meet-and-greets and photo shoot. On Anniversary Day, after reading the local pee-mail and make a few replies, the little love was keen to get out and mingle!

Thriller met two other canines during the afternoon, a young toy poodle with a chest smaller than Thriller’s muzzle – heaps of comments and people taking photos of the pair at the opposite end of the size spectrum! The other was a Sheltie, very well-groomed, but kept wanting to attack Thriller. A most unpleasant pupper, but someone loved it. Thriller’s response was to totally dismiss the Sheltie, which seemed to annoy it even more!

We kept getting stopped by people asking about Thriller, asking if they can pat her, and take photos or pose with the little love. And once stopped, little crowds gathered all wanting the same. And always an “inner circle” asking questions, with an outer circle, a “halo” of folk listening, commenting among themselves before replenishing the inner circle as its members departed full of smiles and happy for having met Miss Thriller.

A few people knew the breed, and some had heard of them. One older Asian lady admired Thriller and asked about her breed, only before I could answer, her hubby informed her that Thriller was a “Terra Nova!” Obviously, he had seen them in Italy sometime and they made an impression then too!

On the way back to the car, we were stopped at the top of some steps leading down to the blowhole, only we were unable get away with the constant flow of people coming and going, asking about Thriller and posing with Her Ladyship. The girl was even interacting with people posing with her – she hasn’t done that before, other than when with infants – i.e. “people pups”. Anniversary Day she would unexpectedly turn to face the camera after having looked away, or turn her head to the person posing with her with a huge Newfie grin adorning her features! Some photos showed startled faces as a huge toothy smile was suddenly thrust toward their own face, and brought forth laughter from those taking the pics.

95% of the people who approached us were tourists, mainly Asian and European with a couple of Americans and a Canadian couple from Manitoba now living here. One Chinese father and adult daughter, both very conservatively dressed, were obviously most taken with Thriller, and how popular she was with everyone. The father spoke little English, the daughter’s English was not much better. She eventually gained courage to pat Thriller, and then to pose with Her Ladyship while her father took heaps of photos. They each thanked Thriller, and then thanked me, said goodbye, then both gave a very formal deep bow from the waist to Thriller, and then to me!

Thriller didn’t want to move on from that location – she felt that was a great spot! Our progress that day, once Thriller had finished checking the local pee-mail early on, was very slow – mostly we’d only get a few yards before someone would stop us again, and people gathered – importantly, Thriller seemed to enjoy all the attention at Kiama. Perhaps Thriller thought the day was a “Human Show” where she could judge the conformation of the different breeds of human instead of the other way around!

It was 4-30 by the time we made it back to the car, and after a huge drink of chilled water, Thriller willingly entered her “mobile kennel” and flopped – only people passing, seeing the little Miss, would stop, ask about her and take even more photos. Glad I washed the car the previous day!

We drove up to Kiama’s main drag for “lunch”. Just got some chips and two pieces of grilled Barramundi – one for me and one for Thriller, and she really enjoyed her late “lunch” broken up into little bite-size pieces.

We returned home the long way via lush green hills of Jamberoo, the steep winding road with its hairpin turns up the escarpment, then through the Southern Highlands – and Miss Thriller slept most of the way home returning just on dark. Happily, I had prepared Thriller’s evening repast before leaving, just had to warm it a tad in the microwave, then Thriller wanted another good wander about the back paddock in the dark before a very late “evening” session with the grooming gear.

We had a great day, especially so as Thriller seemed relaxed and enjoying people!

And a shared Magnum topped off our special day.

Arthur Witten
Thriller – Methinks our anniversary should be celebrated every month!