Thriller had a great Halloween last Wednesday – we went up to Caffe 104 at the Sydney Uni Vet Faculty’s Camden campus for lunch, and invited Julie Holmes to join us – she’s the girl who gives Thriller her weekly physio massage every Wednesday.

On arrival, each group of students outside having their lunch went berserk at Thriller in her purple monster hat, long “bloody” knife through her skull (in one ear and out the other), pumpkin orange “BOO” bib, spider skeleton on Her Ladyship’s right shoulder and boney fingers over her front paws. Then when we entered the café, there were dozens more students, nearly all female, who went silent when Thriller entered. Then the venerable Miss was mobbed by giggling, laughing, smiling, squealing students leaving their meals to meet and pose for photos with Thriller in her colorful Halloween costume! And Thriller totally enjoyed their attention too with a huge Newfy smile adorning the little Miss’s face as her head slowly turned back and forth, scanning her adoring fans.

Took ages for the students’ enthusiasm to wane – however Thriller did not mind in the least! Thriller seemed to love being adored by so many happy students who seemed more like younger high school students than the adult university variety. It was great to see Thriller so very happy!

While we waited for Jules and lunch Thriller had heaps of visitors taking photos. Plus, each new patron of Karon’s café came over amazed at Thriller in her Halloween clobber, most commenting that she was so tolerant wearing all that stuff. And Thriller seemed “into it” all too reflecting the joy of each new admiring visitor – at least until Her Ladyship’s “Thriller-burger” arrived when the venerable Miss’s attention had a different focus.

Photo by Karon of Caffe 104 located in Brownlow Hill, New South Wales, Australia

Photo by Karon of Caffe 104 located in Brownlow Hill, New South Wales, Australia

Only Thriller’s purple monster hat should have been further forward showing its teeth gnawing on the top of Miss Thriller’s head.

Her Ladyship had a great Halloween and brought great joy and happiness to the many dozens who was the girl!

Arthur Witten
Thriller – Why was I the only one dressed up for Halloween????