Thriller had her weekly physio massage, then enjoyed a real good “chase” of a bunny once Miss Julie had departed. She, that being Miss Thriller rather than Miss Julie, “chased” said bunny a handful of yards at a time for around three quarters of a mile, slowly stalking it, in full stealth mode, getting closer and closer (with me in tow on the end of a lead) until the bunny would hip-hop off a few more yards before stopping again. It took ages however Thriller had a wonderful time totally focused on friend bunny, and the rabbit did not seem to mind as it frequently took time to munch on shoots of green following some long-overdue rain, or on apricot leaves from twigs “pruned” by the cockatoos, or simply grooming itself waiting to the glacial Thriller to “catch up” one slow step at a time.

Often Thriller could get to about six or seven feet from the bunny before it would prudently relocate to a position a few more yards away. Motionless, Thriller was happy to observe the bunny’s antics as it ate, or sat wiping its little face with its front “paws”, sometimes it would have a little scratch about in the dirt, or simply sit, head turned toward Thriller and me observing us with the same interest that Thriller had in her cotton-tailed friend.

At times the rabbit would suddenly dart off eight or ten yards stopping again waiting for us to catch up, however, each time the rabbit took off that way, Thriller did the same testing the stretch capabilities of the “bungee-type” lead, and, with 155-pounds of suddenly accelerating Newfie girl, also testing the “stretch” in my now longer right arm! Thriller was then on exercise restriction following her recent lap spay, and gastropexy while they were in “the neighborhood”.

After 90-minutes and three circuits of the old orchard, up to the shed, around the other end of the glasshouse then back down to the lower end of the orchard, friend rabbit evidently had enough and disappeared beneath an overgrown Plumbago bush, ideally suited to the hiding of rabbits seeking solitude. Only Her Ladyship didn’t want to leave, she was all for continuing the “pursuit”! That Thriller’s leporine friend willingly remained, allowing itself to be “stalked” by a large black carnivore, totally focused on “the hunt”, and only hip-hopping only a few yards at a time, would indicate that friend bunny enjoyed the pastime as much as did the venerable Miss herself!

Thriller had a marvelous time, and didn’t seem frustrated at my keeping her on a leash not letting her see which of them was the faster. Or perhaps her ego was relieved, it already knowing the answer.

Arthur Witten
Thriller – Just as well they have supermarkets, if we had to rely on my dad’s hunting skills then we’d both starve!!!!