Autumn here in Australia on Sydney’s rural fringe results in days that are peaceful, relaxing and sunny. Today was no exception.

It was one of those delightfully tranquil autumn mornings when the birds were chirping and the gentle breeze was barely swaying any foliage. Liquorice and Keaton each snoozed in serene contentment: Keaton enjoying the sun’s warming rays on his soft fluffy coat, Liquorice snug, dreaming in the cool of a shady spot. All was perfect in their realm, well almost, for I was inside wrestling with the dreaded paperwork!

Then about eleven this morning all hell broke loose!

Liquorice and Keaton suddenly sounded off with their mightiest and fiercest protective barks! The abruptness and volume seemed almost to shake the house! I charged outside to what the commotion was about fully expecting to see hoards of evildoers intent on destroying all in their sight. Keaton was the most vocal and determined of the pair with Liquorice seeming to offer a general backup chorus to whatever perils the young master had discovered.

And what sinister and unholy terrors had Keaton uncovered?

It was a little tortoise, with head and legs retracted, resting under a bush near the lawn. The young master must have believed that the rocks had sprouted legs and were attacking! He can be a silly boy at times!

Arthur Witten
Liquorice – Can I have some of what Keaton’s been drinking?
Keaton – Rocks running riot warrant a few barks!