The last two days when I have squatted down beside Liquorice to give her many a deserving cuddle she has immediately started to sniff at the pocket of my old work shirt as though there was a treat for her contained therein. Not an entirely unreasonable proposition. <vbg> However my pocket contained only a scrap of waste paper and two hose washers, no dainty morsels for my little darling. This happened many times yesterday and again today. Despite my assurances that there was nothing inside for her she persisted. I even leant forward and opened my pocket so Liquorice could nose around inside to satisfy herself. Even then she kept telling me she wanted the treat in my pocket! Naturally I would obtain a substitute for her which she willingly consumed but her attention would focus on my pocket once more! It was not until late this afternoon, as I was passing the garbage bin in the shed, that I remembered the piece of paper. So I tossed it in the bin and thought that I had better put the hose washers away now before the shirt gets washed. It was while I was feeling around for them that I found what Liquorice knew was there all along, a half squashed and partly dehydrated Mulberry! It must have fallen in there yesterday morning, and now my little darling was not even with me to eat it.
Arthur Witten
Liquorice – Mean old Dad! Would not even share a rotting Mulberry!