Last night, nearing the bewitching hour of midnight, Thriller rose from her red bed and made for the great blackness outside which that hour brings. Lights turned on in the breezeway and a lead prudently attached to Thriller (finding an all-black Newfoundland in the inky darkness is near impossible) – only the venerable Miss wanted a big drink of water, rather than, as anticipated, to reduce the wetness within. Though, to be fair, Her Ladyship did her number ones, however there was a definite “net gain”. When returning to the breezeway, Thriller walked onto her daybed there, and lay down. To my aging brain, this seemed like the perfect opportunity to introduce the little love to the delights of Magnums. In Thriller’s recent former life, her day apparently ended each evening when her owner’s worker left, and recommenced the next morning, thus the venerable Miss “shuts down” early, whereas Ruggles and I shared a Magnum before our bedtime several hours after Thriller’s “bedtime”. However, the little love is now learning the advantages of being a night owl.
Anyway, a white chocolate coated Magnum was soon at the ready, with me sitting on the edge of her daybed. Thriller’s nose twitched, then her eyes bugged out of her head focused totally on the delectable treat in her dad’s hand. Perhaps memories were stirred of distant past when Magnums were once hers?
I removed a couple of white chocolate flakes before offering Thriller one – and instantly near lost my fingers down the dear girl’s all-encompassing cakehole! The next yummy flake was mine, then Thriller was offered another, with the exact same result – only now copious amounts of slobber decorated my fingers with lengthening strands of drool cascading from either side the little Miss’s mouth! Another chocolate flake was offered, and again I felt fortunate to retain the now wet fingers. A piece of ice cream was bitten from the end and offered to Her Ladyship from the palm of my hand. This was snatched in a most unladylike manner, front teeth “massaging” the palm of my hand.
I gave the remnant Magnum a few licks hoping to educate Thriller on the proper consumption of a Magnum, then offered it to the dear girl. Anticipating the change in ownership of the aforesaid Magnum, Thriller suddenly grabbed it – all of it, front teeth expertly clamping the paddle-pop stick in a vice-like grip barely in front of my fingertips and she yanked the Magnum away from its former owner. Quickly I tried to get inside Thriller’s mouth to retrieve the paddle-pop stick, only it remained resolutely closed – that Magnum was hers and hers alone! A second or two later she started to chomp on the scrumptiousness flooding her tongue with delighting flavour, and her dad’s fingers then gained access and most of the stick was retrieved without loss of digits. I ended up with two pieces comprising 2/3rds of the stick, the balance followed the rest of the Magnum disappearing into Thriller’s interior regions. Yes, one could say that the noble Thriller loves Magnums!!!!
She is such a quiet Ladylike creature that, in the presence of a Magnum, her “Dr Jekyll” to “Miss Hyde” transformation was startling to say the least. Ruggles always licked his Magnum, once we’d shared the chocolate covering, and only took a bite from the end if he detected it loosening – even then, the boy would roll the piece around in his mouth letting it melt, his head held high that the melting ice cream drained slowly down his ample throat. Ruggsy gained the maximum flavor with his method. Methinks Miss Thriller will need to practice on a great many more Magnums to better improve her technique! :-)))))))))
Thriller – Now I have dad counting his fingers, he knows from where my name came!