To satisfy any curiosity as to how the command “Be seated” came to signify to Keaton that the God’s are in their Heavens and all is right with the world, I shall explain.
From Keaton’s earliest days with us he has seen his role in life as guardian and protector of those he loves. To this end, the sight of anything unusual or the slightest noise had the young master barking warnings at the imagined menace and to alert his folks of danger. His booming voice travels great distances across the paddocks here to our various neighbors’ homes. Fortunately he quickly came to accept the “new” sights and sounds of his new domain. However before that time came and despite my assurances that we were in no danger, Keaton would continue his vocal defense of his realm. I tried various methods until eventually I tried a “distraction technique” for want of a better term. Both Liquorice and Keaton quickly understood that “Sit” and “Be seated” were interchangeable. The latter being my preferred choice as it is distinctive and noble, like a Newfoundland. To my way of thinking “Sit”, is what you tell a dog to do, Newfoundlands are deserving of something “better”. 🙂 Thus it was one night when Keaton was sounding the alarm I told him “Be seated”, to give him an unexpected command and distract him. Keaton looked back at me, then, with much reluctance, he then seated himself. His barking ceased. Keaton looked toward the imagined danger in silence then back at me, I said simply, “Good boy”. Keaton relaxed immediately and seemed to understand, then he came to my side totally unconcerned over whatever had lurked in the darkness. It was as though if his Dad told him to sit, then there cannot be anything to worry about. He trusted my judgement. It has worked each time since then, only Keaton came to by-pass the actual “sitting”. Under those circumstances, “Be seated” came to have the same meaning as ” Stand down from Red Alert” had Keaton been a military type. Now he judges the circumstances as to whether he should sit, or accept a situation over which he felt “concerned”.
Granted I should have changed the command to something different early on, however should Keaton’s barking cause someone concern, then “Be seated” as a neutral sounding command, would act as a “distraction” for them also. Besides, Liquorice and Keaton’s Dad is prone to chronic laziness.
Doubtless there would have been a better way of handling that particular situation, and while my problem was resolved with little effort, it’s possible others on the list might care to share their better thoughts with the rest of us.
All in all Keaton was most impressed!
Arthur Witten
Liquorice – His barking interfered with my slumber!
Keaton – Not all those woofs were mine, some were echoes!