I do not mean any disrespect to anyone but this morning I smiled. And it felt good.
Liquorice usually eats her morning and evening meals outside, in the breezeway. This morning was different in that she would not come inside afterwards, to sample our breakfasts. About twenty minutes later I took some food out for the little birdies and to see if Liquorice would join us inside. When called she slowly sat up. Her right ear did not “hang” quite right as she arose. Telling her to stay I walked over. Liquorice had apparently laid down on a moist piece of kibble leaving her with a heart-shaped “earring” attached to the end of her earflap! Liquorice willingly ate her “jewelry” when it was removed. It was then I smiled. It was a moment of release for me. I hugged my little darling, my most precious little darling, with the biggest hug imaginable and the tears came to my eyes. Life is so precious now, for all of us.
When time does not permit me to play with Liquorice or take her for walks, I sit with, and cuddle her, explaining the situation. She does not understand the words I use however Liquorice interprets my body language, emotions, vibes etc, and accepts her deprivations with grace. The terrorist attacks took place late Tuesday night our time. Wednesday morning I could not play with Liquorice after her usual grooming and I could not find the “tools” to make her understand why. Ever since those attacks Liquorice has been at me to play, constantly nudging and pawing at me for attention. Newfoundlands are such gentle creatures. To them horror is the thought of a missed tummy-rub. Terror is the prospect of dinner being a minute late and total bliss comes from being presented with a piece of kibble formerly hanging from the end of an ear. When she meekly allowed me to hug her this morning, I only then realized her efforts were to comfort and distract me from an unknown sadness. It seems an eternity since I sat up most of Tuesday night watching those heartbreaking scenes from New York and Washington. Liquorice had been sharing the pain we are all feeling and responded in the only way she knew. She could not understand. None of us understand.
Those attacks have united people from around the world to a single family. When I see US it no longer stands just for the United States, it stands for “us”, all the people of the world.
Please give all your “little darlings” a hug, as they too are sharing in your emotions.
Arthur Witten
Liquorice – ?