This morning Liquorice refused to come inside once she had had her early morning grooming, attended to more pressing urges on the back lawn, walked, or rather romped around the front paddock and then ate breakfast in the breezeway. After her busy schedule Liquorice was quite content to lay in the cool westerly breeze between the house and garage. I attended to my inside chores, calling her, without success, inside from time to time. When I called her after Dad announced that our breakfast was ready Liquorice sat up. So leaving the laundry door open I found the large soft brush I use finish off her grooming and removed any loose hair and the leaves her coat had picked up. It is autumn her in Australia. I lifted her rear end and brushed it as well. Once more I asked her if she wanted to go inside. Liquorice took one small step forward and bounded in a single leap, clearing the three feet to the two low steps up to house level, clearing the two steps and landing on the laundry floor level with the far edge of the opened door. She cleared a good seven feet in that single bound. I panicked when my little darling landed as I thought she was about to do the “splits” but I quickly realized that she was lowering her rear end to shorten her now considerable body so as not to crash into the wall opposite the door. Liquorice regained her composure then literally danced around the corner and across the family room to the semi-circular meals area and planted herself at my father’s side awaiting tit-bits. She was out of luck there as Dad had cereal and milk this morning, not ideal food to hand an energetic puppy while inside. Liquorice turned her attention to me as I sat but soon realized that I had only miserable porridge. So she sat, resting her chin grumpily on the edge of the table watching the block of cheese on the other side and willing pieces to fall off and march over to satisfy her dieter’s cravings. And with assistance from her two Dads, it happened!

Arthur Witten
Liquorice – I have taught my humans a new trick!